support for the Kyoto Protocol. Why?
I am a 20 year old Philosophy
Major at the
College of Wooster in Wooster, Ohio. This past week I was a member of the US Student Climate Summit in The Hague, Netherlands at the Sixth Conference of the Parties (CoP6) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change with myself and 224 other American students from 44 different states attended CoP6 as observers. The Conference was billed as perhaps the last
chance for countries to "Work it out" (meaning the
In the Hague I didn't see one single delegate,
I was shocked at the stance of the United States, my own country, having heard all of this sobering
urgency from
The sad part is that the US Department of
Despite all of the evidence showing that
Now I've returned home from Holland to the
Our lifestyle is radically different from
comfort zone and witness the casualties of our oversized ecological footprint. At the very least, we could join the rest of the world in taking a conservative approach to reducing our greenhouse gas pollution by telling our representatives to help make a strong Kyoto Protocol that doesn't give credit for business- as-usual. Sincerely, Joshua Lynch
Care2 make the world greener |
P.S. For links about the climate and global
warming, click
For a little more of my rants on the subject
try here
and here.
Subject: <Hague> Conclusion
Hello once again curious climate cohort.
My 10 days at the United Nations
World Climate Change
Conference in Den Haag are now over and I'm
back to the big life
in the good ol' USA.
Unfortunately, the world has
now been further violated by our
country's resistance to economic change.
Last week I was able to
witness first hand, the blatant disregard
for scientific warnings by
the world's richest countries. Japan,
Australia, Canada, and
the United States refused to back down in
their fight for what they
label 'market-friendly' flexible mechanisms
in the Kyoto Protocol
They resisted right down to the bitter end.
The result is that AOSIS
(Association of Small Island States)
countries will soon be ravaged by the very
real affects of global
warming in the next few years. And
later we will all feel the
violent consequences of this economic concession.
The shocking part of this
story is that these warnings didn't come
from radical environmentalists or political
outcasts. These warnings
were echoed loud and clear by mainstream
scientists, political
leaders throughout the third world and Europe,
and even by many
economists in the business community.
Bob Watson, the chair of
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (a group of the worlds 2,500 best
climate scientists) made a very
sobering statement to the Convention on Monday,
describing the
reality of Global Warming and the necessary
benefits of reducing
greenhouse gases. He said that the
global temperature will increase
between 1.5 and 6 degrees Celsius by 2100.
He concluded by
declaring to the delegates that "the world
is in your hands."
Sadly, the delegates have dropped the responsibility.
Fortunately not all hope
is yet lost. Jan Pronk, the extremely
concerned president of the convention, has
expressed his intentions to
hold a CoP 6.5 next May in Bonn, Germany
to work out these details in
time for compliance to become real.
Our job is to pressure
the Umbrella Group of industrialized countries
to back up a step from their hard stances
against real solutions and
realize the importance of taking steps to
phase out fossil fuels in
their own countries. This means making
global warming political.
Give it some attention.
Without doing this,
any agreement that is made in Bonn will be so
watered down that countries will actually
be able to increase their
greenhouse gas pollution instead of making
it obsolete.
One of the most critical
points that I've learned from attending
this conference that many didn't seem to
recognize is that this
problem is not an isolated one by any means.
I talked to a delegate
from Germany who told me about how
Germany had moved beyond an
obsession with economic growth to a more
sustainable system. He told
me that it was ironic that in order to reach
its' emissions targets,
the US wouldn't have to sacrifice its lifestyle
at all. This is
ironic because it is that lifestyle that
has caused the world such a
headache and will ultimately have to change.
However, by making the
technological switch to more passive, less
input intensive energy
technologies like solar and wind power, we
won't have to sacrifice
economic growth.
It is my belief that
in order to make every aspect of our lives
sustainable for the long-term future, there
is no way that we can
simply look to technological conversions
and market solutions to
support our affluence. Growth has to
be redefined to encompass a
more socially and environmentally oriented
paradigm. There's a lot
to be learned from the hunter-gathering societies
of our ancestors.
In the meantime,
ride a bike, buy local, invest responsibly, and
elect representatives who will restrict amoral
institutions and
corporations from controlling our lives.
Oh, and tell your current
governing bodies to support a strong Kyoto
Protocol without carbon
sinks, excessive emissions trading, and nuclear,
large hydroelectric,
or "clean coal" solutions. You have
more power than you think.
in hope and solidarity,
Joshua Lynch